Why do you need permission?ftc-federal_trade-commission-logo-nyreblog-com.jpg

Sending people unsolicited email, commercial or otherwise, is against the law in many countries worldwide. 

U.S. law follows the CAN-SPAM Act, which carries penalities of up to $16,000 for EACH separate violation, meaning if you send an email newsletter campaign to 50 people you shouldn't have, you can be fined $16,000 for EACH of those 50 emails.  You can find out more details about the CAN-SPAM Act on the Federal Trade Commission's website and download this PDF document outlining the CAN-SPAM Act's Rules and Regulations.

Besides that, wouldn't you rather be talking to people who you know are interested in what you have to say?  If your audience isn't interested in what you are saying, they aren't listening and you are wasting your efforts.  Spend your energy and focus on your biggest fans and new friends and your email marketing results will vastly improve!

ALL clients must adhere to the following policies when sending emails through Tendenci’s integrated email newsletter software or your access may be revoked.    

Download Tendenci Policies for Sending Email Newsletters PDF here.

Who can you send email to?

  1. People who have specifically signed up through your website - For example, by ticking a checkbox (not checked by default) on your signup or sales form.
  2. People who completed offline forms & indicated they wanted to be emailed - Eg: By filling in a competition or survey form where they specifically agree to receive email.
  3. People who gave you their business card and asked to receive email - If someone gives you their business card and you have also explained to them that you will be in touch by email, you can contact them.
  4. They purchased something off you in the last 2 years - By making a purchase from you they have provided their permission implicitly, although it is much better to explicitly ask them.

Who can’t you send email to?

Anybody that is not covered by the list above! Here are some examples:

  1. Lists or email addresses received from a third party - Includes any list you bought or rented, got from a partner or membership organization. No matter the claims of the source of this list, you cannot send email to them.
  2. Addresses you collected or "copy & pasted" from the Internet - Even if they look like ideal customers for you, you can't email someone just because you found their address.
  3. Addresses you haven't emailed in the last 2 years - Permission doesn't age well. Even if you got their permission legitimately, they won't remember giving it to you. If you haven't sent something to that address in the last 2 years, you can't start now.


Learn more about how to Stay Connected to Your Members with Valuable Email Marketing and Email Sending from Tendenci sites for best practices. If you have any questions, please submit a support ticket or call us at 218-497-6567



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