Ed Schipul speaks on direct marketing - headlines and contact information for your website




So we realize the web responds by direct marketing.

Your headline is the most important element in your website.

The words that are there is a direct marketing response.

Your headline - number one thing to..

Yes, your website folks - put a decent headline on it.

What that means is go write one hundred headlines that are focused on the audience, not you. And then pick the best one.

The second thing - put a phone number on it, and a physical address.

Anyone else go to a website, can't find out where they're physically at, drives you absolutely batty crazy? Right?

Put a phone number on there.

And then the other thing I'll do with prospects is I'll actually call, and see if they answer the phone.

If they don't answer the phone, really, do you need marketing?

Because you're just going to chase them away when they reach out to you, right?

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